Architekten Ingenieure PSPGoldbekplatz 2
22303 Hamburg Germany
Phone: +49-40-278-489-0
Fax: +49-40-278-489-59
For General Planning tasks:
PSP Architekten + Ingenieure Generalplanungsgesellschaft mbH
Goldbekplatz 2
22303 Hamburg Germany
Partners / Managing Directors and responsible for the contents according to § 5 DDG und §55 Abs. 2 RStV
Dipl. Ing. Christoph Bösch Architect, AK-HH Nr. 5073
Dipl. Ing. Jörg Huhnholz Architect, AK-HH Nr. 4457
Registry Court District Court Hamburg
Registration Number HRB 79608 (PSP General Planners)
Value Added Tax-ID
DE 118982892 (PSP GbR)
DE 217943205 (PSP General Planners)
Professional Regulations see Homepage of Hamburg Chamber of Architects
Image Rights see relevant project
Design and Development Architekten Ingenieure PSP
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