Design Methodology

We plan under regulated conditions.
By the term "regulated conditions" we mean that all influencing variables that have an impact on the quality of planning are known and can be controlled and structured accordingly. For us, structured and well thought-out planning has a simple result: the implementation of an efficient building.

Project Management

We like the division of labour.
A division of labour ensures that the individual is specialised. The team forms the entirety, a "head" holds the threads together and is the contact person for the client and the external actors. Close contact and exchange between the employees involved in the project is structured through regular meetings. The control and verification of the results is organised by the "four-eyes-principle" and short distances within the office.


We are becoming more and more sustainable.
In recent years, PSP has implemented various projects in which the issue of sustainability has played an increasing role. We are aware that sustainability is a very important topic worldwide, and Germany is one of the leading countries focusing on this topic. Therefore it is our concern to develop more and more sustainable projects in which people can live and work. For us it is an important aspect to maintain this in every project development.

Building Information Modeling (BIM)+VR

BIM is the future now.
In the course of our strategy for the introduction and development of the core competences in BIM, we have set ourselves the goal of implementing all essential areas of the process. For this reason, we employ our own specially trained BIM coordinators and have been continuously promoting the training and further education of our team in this field since 2012.